For inspiration please check out the sites below (and the blog!) :
One of the most amazing and inspirational videos I've ever seen, is listed below. Most videos of auroras just show the multicolored lights streaming across the sky... In this particular one, it's as though the aurora is literally granting you a personal choreographed dance right over your head (be sure to enlarge the screen so that you can enjoy the full effect!):
Another site to see numerous pictures others have taken of auroras, please go to:
To read translated Buddhist and Hindu texts go to:
For numerous other texts sited in other religious and spiritual modalities go to:
For a free book the "Ashtavakra Gita", translated by John Richards, inspiring awakening from within... Go to:
Note: The book mentioned in this paragraph which was once offered online for free, became unavailable because after some research, "disciples" of the once now closed "Lotus Center" were fighting amongst one another, concerning "who" is providing the "right" information... Really~! As Audle (the center's originator) spoke in his book "Meditation - Ancient Teaching of the Masters" (for which I have a direct copy!), he states, "teachers who believe in and accept only their own mental images, create at the personality level (or what I interpret as, the false ego)." "Masters... wear no religious labels, for each path eventually leads to union with the Self." "... we must take care not to become fixed in one particular dogma, and strive to see the same God that is in every man." Seriously, if Audle were alive, would he approve of this infighting concerning his teaching, and the teaching he learned from other guides? I don't think so! Quoting further from his book, "These teachings can and have been proven to lead an individual into an expanded awareness and conscious experience of his own divinity. From this enlightenment, the intuitional faculties of man come into full expression, and he is able to know and know that he knows." From my and others experiences of him (and the true students designated as enlightened guides), it was though he (and they) spoke directly to each of us in a manner that resonated with our individual particular needs, guiding us to our own Inner guide and eventual full recognition of our true Divine Selves (or what I was inspired to call, "Enlightened Luminosity"). Each of you should honor one another in your individual expressions, for each will attract and provide for those who resonate with each of you. One of the main tenets of a true "guide" (guru, teacher , etc.) to self realization, is opening to what the "student needs", so they (the student) may find their own way to "Self" realization and/or mastery! A true master needs no; title, recognition or adulation... Instead, seeing a student become their own master, is enough! There are numerous roads that lead to Self realization... This infighting, should frankly be a lesson to each of you, pointing to where evolution is necessary! Sadly, I now know (from my inner guide) why the Bhagat Singh Thind's camp, removed his book from their specific site that was available for "free" and sadly why they also felt it necessary to removed his name from their roster of "enlightened students"... Why in the world would they want to be in anyway associated with; dross, egotistical baloney that isn't a part of their guidance, nor was it in anyway associated with Audle's inspired guidance either! Go within, ask for guidance from your true Self, and Be who you all really are... True masters understand, when another is confused and running on their personal false ego gerbil wheel that this is the time to have; compassion, be grateful for what the conflict is showing you, and embrace the opportunity to evolve and let go... Honor all of God/dess's expressions, and be thankful that more folks are being guided to open to their Divinity in any manner they are inwardly guided to do so! "Asleep we seek, awake we are true magnificent Being... Let go and Be..."
Please note: The book sited below (which is similar in content with the one mentioned above) was written in the '70's, therefore the language and understanding of certain principles is fit for the era (or understanding of the time)... Also of importance, Audle passed from this earth plane in '88 and his center in Oklahoma, no longer exists (although, there are those from his lineage teaching some of his techniques... Please be; advised, aware and open within, to whether their style of guidance and/or "teaching" resonates with you... Remember, there are numerous roads that can lead you to where you need to go, but the most authentic one, is the Inner way (which is expressed through numerous folks on the "Inspiring Quotes" page (including Audle) and the "Home" page. Thank you!)
Blessings to the Bhagat Singh Thind group, for providing one of their students, Audle Allsion’s book, “Science of the Saviours” on a different site... As with all books intended to guide the seeker to enlightenment, know that some truths that were true at the time (1975), doesn’t necessarily remain true, in the here and now… As with all information, if it harmonizes and resonates with your true inner being, then embrace it… If it doesn’t, let it go… Your inner Being and guide will always provide you with what is best for "you"!
The best way to read Audle's book (site offered below, if interested!) is to go to the site, scroll below the “download” button, to the “text version” of book itself... Highlight all the text from top to bottom, click copy… Then paste on to a new document. You may have to edit some elements for yourself (punctuation), but you don’t have to scroll through the confusing “Readbag” site’s use of making his book available to read…
Bhagat Singh Thind (who passed in '67) was one of several of Audle's guides (gurus, teachers, etc.) towards self realization, and his work is as valuable as all true enlightened masters, whose work(s) are focused on the student becoming their own master, and not on themselves! Those interested to learn about him, please go to:
Also, great reading is "Autobiography of a Yogi" by Paramahansa Yogananda available, below online and stores too.
Other wondrous guides (though not all!) to guide you (to help yourself!) to "the enlightenment already within you", just patiently awaiting for you to open yourself to your true Self, are quoted on the "Inspiring Quotes" page, and are available for your perusal on the sites listed above... "Any guide (or teacher) can lead you to the door, but ultimately you have to enter by yourself!"
There are far too many other; authors, books, sites and videos to mention here... Know that your Inner guide will always let you know when it's time to find guidance, be it inwardly or outwardly, just remember either direction is the same coin! Let other's voices be an inspiration, for you to open yourself to your true Being... Know this, at some point on your journey, the realization will come "You are your own master" Dali Lama... All that is needed, is to just simply open within, and Be... You already are "Enlightened Luminosity"!
More later!
One of the most amazing and inspirational videos I've ever seen, is listed below. Most videos of auroras just show the multicolored lights streaming across the sky... In this particular one, it's as though the aurora is literally granting you a personal choreographed dance right over your head (be sure to enlarge the screen so that you can enjoy the full effect!):
Another site to see numerous pictures others have taken of auroras, please go to:
To read translated Buddhist and Hindu texts go to:
For numerous other texts sited in other religious and spiritual modalities go to:
For a free book the "Ashtavakra Gita", translated by John Richards, inspiring awakening from within... Go to:
Note: The book mentioned in this paragraph which was once offered online for free, became unavailable because after some research, "disciples" of the once now closed "Lotus Center" were fighting amongst one another, concerning "who" is providing the "right" information... Really~! As Audle (the center's originator) spoke in his book "Meditation - Ancient Teaching of the Masters" (for which I have a direct copy!), he states, "teachers who believe in and accept only their own mental images, create at the personality level (or what I interpret as, the false ego)." "Masters... wear no religious labels, for each path eventually leads to union with the Self." "... we must take care not to become fixed in one particular dogma, and strive to see the same God that is in every man." Seriously, if Audle were alive, would he approve of this infighting concerning his teaching, and the teaching he learned from other guides? I don't think so! Quoting further from his book, "These teachings can and have been proven to lead an individual into an expanded awareness and conscious experience of his own divinity. From this enlightenment, the intuitional faculties of man come into full expression, and he is able to know and know that he knows." From my and others experiences of him (and the true students designated as enlightened guides), it was though he (and they) spoke directly to each of us in a manner that resonated with our individual particular needs, guiding us to our own Inner guide and eventual full recognition of our true Divine Selves (or what I was inspired to call, "Enlightened Luminosity"). Each of you should honor one another in your individual expressions, for each will attract and provide for those who resonate with each of you. One of the main tenets of a true "guide" (guru, teacher , etc.) to self realization, is opening to what the "student needs", so they (the student) may find their own way to "Self" realization and/or mastery! A true master needs no; title, recognition or adulation... Instead, seeing a student become their own master, is enough! There are numerous roads that lead to Self realization... This infighting, should frankly be a lesson to each of you, pointing to where evolution is necessary! Sadly, I now know (from my inner guide) why the Bhagat Singh Thind's camp, removed his book from their specific site that was available for "free" and sadly why they also felt it necessary to removed his name from their roster of "enlightened students"... Why in the world would they want to be in anyway associated with; dross, egotistical baloney that isn't a part of their guidance, nor was it in anyway associated with Audle's inspired guidance either! Go within, ask for guidance from your true Self, and Be who you all really are... True masters understand, when another is confused and running on their personal false ego gerbil wheel that this is the time to have; compassion, be grateful for what the conflict is showing you, and embrace the opportunity to evolve and let go... Honor all of God/dess's expressions, and be thankful that more folks are being guided to open to their Divinity in any manner they are inwardly guided to do so! "Asleep we seek, awake we are true magnificent Being... Let go and Be..."
Please note: The book sited below (which is similar in content with the one mentioned above) was written in the '70's, therefore the language and understanding of certain principles is fit for the era (or understanding of the time)... Also of importance, Audle passed from this earth plane in '88 and his center in Oklahoma, no longer exists (although, there are those from his lineage teaching some of his techniques... Please be; advised, aware and open within, to whether their style of guidance and/or "teaching" resonates with you... Remember, there are numerous roads that can lead you to where you need to go, but the most authentic one, is the Inner way (which is expressed through numerous folks on the "Inspiring Quotes" page (including Audle) and the "Home" page. Thank you!)
Blessings to the Bhagat Singh Thind group, for providing one of their students, Audle Allsion’s book, “Science of the Saviours” on a different site... As with all books intended to guide the seeker to enlightenment, know that some truths that were true at the time (1975), doesn’t necessarily remain true, in the here and now… As with all information, if it harmonizes and resonates with your true inner being, then embrace it… If it doesn’t, let it go… Your inner Being and guide will always provide you with what is best for "you"!
The best way to read Audle's book (site offered below, if interested!) is to go to the site, scroll below the “download” button, to the “text version” of book itself... Highlight all the text from top to bottom, click copy… Then paste on to a new document. You may have to edit some elements for yourself (punctuation), but you don’t have to scroll through the confusing “Readbag” site’s use of making his book available to read…
Bhagat Singh Thind (who passed in '67) was one of several of Audle's guides (gurus, teachers, etc.) towards self realization, and his work is as valuable as all true enlightened masters, whose work(s) are focused on the student becoming their own master, and not on themselves! Those interested to learn about him, please go to:
Also, great reading is "Autobiography of a Yogi" by Paramahansa Yogananda available, below online and stores too.
Other wondrous guides (though not all!) to guide you (to help yourself!) to "the enlightenment already within you", just patiently awaiting for you to open yourself to your true Self, are quoted on the "Inspiring Quotes" page, and are available for your perusal on the sites listed above... "Any guide (or teacher) can lead you to the door, but ultimately you have to enter by yourself!"
There are far too many other; authors, books, sites and videos to mention here... Know that your Inner guide will always let you know when it's time to find guidance, be it inwardly or outwardly, just remember either direction is the same coin! Let other's voices be an inspiration, for you to open yourself to your true Being... Know this, at some point on your journey, the realization will come "You are your own master" Dali Lama... All that is needed, is to just simply open within, and Be... You already are "Enlightened Luminosity"!
More later!