When you surrender "ego" (the false self others told you, you were, and you believed and/or thought they were telling you the truth (only because they believed someone else...), in truth, you give up nothing... Why? Ego originated from nothing, someone actually made it up! Eons ago, someone decided that they were somehow lacking and needed to become important (I-am-porting-my-ant, meaning: I am leaving the magnificence that I am, to purport (or profess) into something greater... But how can you be greater, if you are already magnificent~?! Drop the ego and be all that you already are, your "Enlightened Luminosity" awaits to emerge from within you, to be all that you have been, already are and will always be... Pure magnificent Being... Just Be...
Be awake and you are awake.
Believe you are awake and you are still sleeping~! The difference; one is knowing from an inner place, the other is an outer learned manifestation of ego from others... One is real, the other illusion... Stop believing (being in one moment, then in the next instant leaving (be-leave)), just Be... There is light at the end of the tunnel... You (your true "Enlightened Luminosity") are the light, and your beliefs are the tunnel...
Let go of the beliefs (the be in one moment, then in the next instant leave...) and be the light! You don't have to look or search for your "Enlightened Luminosity"; it is and has always been a part of you. It lays wait in the silent stillness of your inner being, gently awaiting for you to pause and open to it's ever presiding presence residing within you. You are already one with All. Just open and Be...
"Be still (let the mind be still) and know (as a direct experience) that I (your inner most essence) is God " Unknown author When you search outside of yourself emotionally, trying to fill yourself up for what you think you are lacking, you energetically open yourself to be attractive to those who are lacking too. Two lacking people don't make a whole one!
Instead, open yourself to the love that you have always been and already are right now, and you will never be empty! You are the love you seek! A question popped into my mind, "Who defines me?"
"I Am" was the answer that emerged from within... To define (de-fine~! Put yourself in a box!) is to limit the fineness of just being... So, the question becomes unimportant, because the answer is inconclusive... Just Be and Be fine! Namaste means:
I honor the place in you in which the entire universe dwells. I honor the place in you which is of love, of truth, of light and of peace. When you are in that place in you and I am in that place in me, We are one. Those who claim to "give" you energy are in fact asking you to be lacking for their benefit!
You are the power of you, you are the master of you, and you are all that you have been searching for. Leave the beliefs (be and leave aspect) you adopted (learned) behind you, and open to the magnificence that you have always been and that you already are. Empowerment means; I am in power and it's meant to be. "Blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth" Albert Einstein |
AuthorThere's a saying, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade". Archives
February 2020
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