In life, sometimes we shirk (sidestep) and/or shrink (become small) in the throws of conflict and strife… Eventually, we can choose to wither away, or realize that being small doesn’t honor who we are meant to be… Wonderfully stated by Anais Nin, "There came a time when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." May the artistry and patience of David de los Santos' video (Shared by National Geographic), inspire the passage we all make in life’s journey… Blossom! Within life’s hectic nature, there are times when we need a moments rest, allowing life’s passage to stream by, while being in repose… Breathe deeply and rest to replenish, then once relaxed, move again confidently, your wondrous adventure awaits… Thank you Randy Halverson at for your inspiring video “Heulex” There are moments in life’s whirlwind that we need to take a moment and breathe by resting within the “Eye of the Storm”… The Video is by Henry Jun Wah Lee . Thank you Henry for sharing your artistry and vision, combining your love of nature, with inspiring music and technical prowess… Though at times she was a tortured soul, may her light now be free to dance, and the songs she so soulfully played on her cello, touch that part in all of us, who take a moments break in life's chaos, and remember to soar... Thank you Neil Zeller for your amazing and wonderful video that was "published" on her birthday! By releasing that which isn’t us, we open to what we truly are! Pure magnificent Being...
There's a misnomer (<inaccurate saying) spreading around that states, "In order to "be happy" you must first "fill yourself up"". Not true! Your already pure and true “Being” is; full, happy, joyful, etc. All that is needed, is release what you learned and adopted from others about being empty! Then open to the purity of what you; have been, already are, and will always Be… Pure “Enlightened Luminosity”!
A question arose in my mind, "Why do others speak of “finding happiness” outside of themselves, when in fact it resides within?!" The Enlightened Luminosity answer that came from within was, "Because those who seek outwardly, haven’t realized it's true origin, happiness originates from within!"
At some point in our lives, the realization comes that outside happiness is fleeting, but inside happiness is always available because it's our original state of Being. So, no matter what is going on, on the outside, happiness is available at every moment! Just stop seeking and Be... Karma means: for every action, is a reaction...
When someone "wrongs" you, leave it to God/dess to avenge you, for those who wrong you, bring upon themselves the ire and wrath of their actions back upon themselves, a trillion fold! For it is said: “How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.” Dr. Wayne Dyer Why "sully" (soil, tarnish, degrade, etc.) yourself with more karma, by taking revenge yourself, for "you will bring about more nastiness and ugliness into your life"! By giving it over to God/dess (or whatever the aspect is that does such things~?!…), "it will be done for you", in a far more; creative, effective, nastier than you could ever; conceive, desire, imagine and/ or would ever think of doing to another person! Plus, it will continue to pay that person back, up and until they realize, what they experienced to begin with, they brought unto themselves, simply because their learned lack (“ego” aspect) is the reason for the lack they experienced in the first place! (learned; E-mptiness, G-rowing, O-ffensively) “Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” Roman’s 12:19 Instead, go forth knowing that you are the child of the Universe, and that which is taken from you, will be recompensed (compensated, or given back to you) greater than you ever imagined! Venture in abundant peace, and it will be with you, for peace is our true Being. (Ego creates never ending drama and pain, simply because that is what was taught to us!) Instead, open and Be that which you originally and already are (prior to adopting and accepting "ego" as being real), then you are free! Just Be... The "ego" needs meaning to justify it's fabricated insignificant made-up existence. "Being" has no definitions, it simply is... Just Be...
Thanksgiving is a wondrous time to be grateful for "all" who have entered and exited our lives... By their example, they offered us opportunities in how (or not!) to be and do in life... Blessings to all, on this day of giving thanks!
AuthorThere's a saying, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade". Archives
February 2020
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