There are infinite expressions awakening with our true Selves (which never left us to begin with!)… Numerous “healers” (<degreed or not, doesn’t matter!) will tell you that it is a "difficult" journey (<usually to further continuance of having you as their client~!)… The truth, this passage can be as; difficult, or easy, as you choose it to be! The only reason “difficulty” exists, is because other options and possibilities haven’t been discovered and/or revealed yet… "Ask and it will be given"... Confusion is an opening for insights and possibilities, allowing inspiration (in-spirit-at-I-on) with your journey of discovery! Found another video (since the last one is no longer available~!?) revealing how frequencies and/or tones, create patterns in matter (which can be healing too!)… Thank you "brusspup" for your edited version of your post! If interested in hearing the "actual tones used", an unedited version is available on youtube… Click on the youtube emblem in the video below, once there, expand the explanation, and another address is provided… Also, if you click on "brusspup’s" name, it will provide other scientific discovery videos to explore… Enjoy! My deepest heartfelt gratitude for their; alternative view, compassion, exploration into the unknown (far beyond convention!), love, openness, patience and understanding… I have no idea where my path would have gone, without their guidance and deeply abundant Presence, Being an example, to Be too… May they rest in peace, along with all enlightened folks that came before them… Many are called to bridge the path to enlightenment that lies waiting to emerge within us all! Only a few have the humility to Be a bridge, to help others to awaken with their true Selves too… No one is ever; above, or below us, only traveling beside us! Be the Presence you want to see in the world! Namaste…
They say, “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery” by Charles Caleb Colton… It’s nice to know and see others utilize this site, finding they become a wave of awakened inspiration, sharing the message (in their own inspired words!) with others, who are also finding their real and true ocean of freedom too! (May we “all” awaken!)…
However, there are those (ms. jones!) who “use” the words they find here, to specifically "bastardize them" (change them into something; egotistical, selfish and ugly!) to draw others into “buying their brand” of gerbil wheel seeking (i.e. level 1- etc., Portal 1- etc.)… (Your parasitical usage has consequences!) Independence is being united, sharing awakening for "all"! Freedom is deliverance from parasitical self-serving users… May true independence and freedom reign! Beliefs create war… Peace is Being! Thank you Wiley for your comic strip (below), pointing out the obvious! Stop believing and seeking outside of yourself, Divinity already resides within! Just open and Be!
A moment of peace... Thank you Matti Helin for your beautiful photo... To see full size, please go to: Wondrous video helping to blow your mind (release the ego aspect), open to all you truly are and just Be... Thank you Jeff Lieberman for sharing your inspired realization! Enjoy! The time of restriction needs to end, and a new opening begin… Thank you “momondo” for the video – “The DNA Journey”… Enjoy! Sometimes when surrounded by chaos, all we need to do is take a moment to remind ourselves of our true inner peace... Reflect on the preciousness of a moment that reveals all eternity… Thank you Harlan Thomas for your wondrous photo... Enjoy! For a larger view of Harlan Thomas' photo taken in Calgary Canada (below) please go to: Thank you Pagagnini for sharing your; creativity, discoveries, enthusiasm, joy, playfulness, doing what you love and inspiring others along the way! |
AuthorThere's a saying, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade". Archives
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